Sharon Pivirotto

Hi, I'm Sharon!


Welcome to my personal test lab! Here I share the resources, research,  strategies, and tools I use to build, promote, sell, and deliver online products.

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Let Me Give you my latest test lab experiment

How I got (and you can get) 500 Email Subscribers
in just 2 Weeks

Test Lab Experiment #238: Building a website, And Getting 500 Email Subscribers...

Recently my mom said she’d like to start a blog and explore ways to make money online. (Sound familiar? 😉 )

I’ve built probably 15 different websites over the years so I went ahead and bought her a domain and web hosting through Bluehost, created a simple logo, did a little research on page design and list-building options (you can grab my swipe research here), and put up a site for her (see below).

Then, knowing that if you want to make money from your blog, and you want random people on the internet to buy stuff from you, you need an email list – I decided to try something I had heard about for growing a list fast just to give her a jumpstart.

The jumpstart plan was to use a contest* (aka giveaway) to target her ideal prospect (dog lovers) and get them to tell other people about the contest and blog and it worked beautifully.

In two weeks, I had built a list of 500 email subscribers for her. All for less than $50 (in targeted ads).

The reality is she didn’t even need a website to use that list-building strategy.  We did it all on Facebook with a Facebook Group, and one Facebook ad.

Maybe you want to do the same thing. I’m happy to share the strategy with you so you can get the same results. 

It’s really easy and I’ll show you how.  Just click the button below and I’d be happy to share this really simple strategy to build an email list fast.


*This is just one example of the kind of experiments I do in my free time. Right now I’ve just created a new report for my 401k blog and plan to pay for a PRWire press release. I’m betting, based on past experience, that will also give me more than 500-1000 new email subscribers in a two-week period.  If you want to see exactly what I did and the results of that list-building strategy, be sure to subscribe for blog updates here (if you download the list-building strategy above, you’ll automatically be subscribed).